Flank Steak Bulgogi (Korean BBQ)

10 02 2014

flank steak bulgogiSo, here’s the thing.  A few weeks ago, we experienced KOi Fusion for the first time.  A Portland food truck legend, they make some of the best Asian inspired tacos ever conceived.  We tried the Bulgogi Tacos, otherwise known as Korean BBQ Beef and they were nothing short of amazing.  I’ve had that flavor on my mind ever since.

Since we’ve been snowed/iced in for a few days, even the pizza delivery places were closed, I decided that it would be fun to try and recreate bulgogi using a flank steak that I had in the house.  I had absolutely no idea what ingredients I’d need or if we had them, and I wasn’t inclined to slip and slide my way to the store again.  Initially I was disappointed as the main ingredient in most of the recipes I’d found was crushed pear, pear puree or pear juice.  This isn’t really a common ingredient in our home so I was about to change my focus and look for something else to do when it occurred to me, my mother-in-law had canned some pears the summer before and we “might” have a jar left.  A chilly trip out to the garage confirmed YES, one jar remaining!  Here’s the details of the recipe that I used. Read the rest of this entry »


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